Title: BOOK ARTS for all Disciplines
Dates: January 14 and 28, 2014
Times: 4:00-7:00
Instructor: Barbara Frey
Location: Memorial Middle School Room 301 Art Room, 500 Ridge Road, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Participants will be introduced to the art of bookmaking. They will learn how to put their ideas into creating simple to more complex books. We will be using mixed media to include collaged papers, paint, and stamps. This two-day course is open to all grade level teachers as well as all disciplines. Everyone will make several books to bring back to their classrooms in this "make and take" creative workshop. Materials will be provided; however, to make your book(s) more personal you may want to bring any of the following: photocopied photos, doodles, quotes, tick stubs, interesting papers, napkins, or any cool stuff.
To register, please click here.