Compassionate Witnessing: Supporting Students Living w/ Trauma, Violence, and Chronic Stress
Date: October 21st, 2021
Time: 4:00 - 5:30 PM
Location: ZOOM
Instructor: Steve Fiedeldey
Based on the work by Dr. Kaethe Weingarten, participants will learn and practice the transformative practice of compassionate witnessing. Everyday individuals are exposed to common shock and trauma that often remains unprocessed. This interactive, compassionate witnessing workshop involves four consecutive witnessing circles meant for anyone regardless of their clinical background. The goal of compassionate witnessing is to create a safe space by which individuals can share stories of their common shock and reintegrate their trauma narrative in a meaningful way thanks to the help of their compassionate witnesses. This series requires attendance at both sessions, as participants will take turns as a storyteller, facilitator, and compassionate witness.