Title: Empowering Student Learning and Improving School Climate using NJDOE Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies
Date: October 12, 2019
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Montclair State University - ADP Center, Room 1145
Instructors: Tracie Morrison
This workshop session is designed to actively engage educators in understanding how incorporating the NJDOE Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies within their school/classroom can improve overall student learning as well as school climate and culture. Through the use of presentation of information, group interaction and personal reflection, participants will create an individualized action plan for integrating SEL strategies into their classroom instruction and routines. Copies of handouts and a reference list of the SEL resources utilized during the presentation will be provided.
Tracie Morrison has served as a School Counselor for Montclair Public Schools for the last 14 years. She is a former President of the Essex County School Counselor Association, an Adjunct in the MSU Counseling Department and a Clinical Faculty Member of MSUNER.
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