TITLE: Literature Through Art
DATE: October 22 and October 29, 2013
TIME: 4:00pm-7:00pm
INSTRUCTOR: Cindy Martin
LOCATION: South End School Art Room, 116 Harper Terrace (Rt. 23 to Harper Terrace), Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
This mini-course is designed for elementary teachers who wish to make connections between literature and art. We will investigate pieces of literature and create a unique art product that will bring that story to life! Using classroom art materials, beautiful take-home projects are created! This class is geared towards elementary teachers. Bring a smock and enthusiasm …art is for everyone!! This class is open to anyone who has taken this course before, as all new projects are designed. Please bring a smock.
Class Size Limited to 22 Participants
NJCCS: Visual arts: 1.1.2.D.1, 1.3.2.D.1, 1.3.2.D.4, 1.2.2.A.1
Language arts: 3.1, 3.2, 3.4.A.B, 3.4.B