Title: Middle & High School Introduction to Demographics and Geospatial Population Information Science Using Personal Mobile Devices
Date: Friday, May 29th: 4 - 5:30 p.m. and Monday, June 1st: 4- 5:30 p.m.
Time: 4:00 PM- 5:30 PM
Instructor: Dr. Jivetti Billystrom, Biochemical & Geospatial Population Studies Specialist
This workshop will engage teachers in how to tap into geospatial applications to collect, map and isolate data along with their students. Teachers will be able to move students from fragmented science related concepts and facts to an inquiry process that students can relate to out in their communities. You will use free and accessible data sets for hands-on interactive data science projects grounded in questions that are meaningful to middle and high school students.
Outcome: Stimulating and expanded student interest in geographical data technology and an understanding of how to study population events in their own community.
* It would be best to attend both sessions, but you may also register if you can only attend on June 1st.