Title: Parental Engagement: Making the Home and School Connection Work
Date: April 9, 2020
Time: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: Memorial Middle School- Room 301 - 500 Ridge Road Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Instructor: Lia Caravella & Nicole DeFilippo
This mini-course will assist with ways to create positive and constructive relationships and means of communication with all types of parents. According to the NEA, the majority of parents, 8 out of 10, feel their child’s teachers are well equipped with the skills necessary to communicate with them. Yet, only 17 percent of teachers feel their opinion is taken seriously by their students’ parents. With this course, a variety of strategies and skills will be discussed to ensure parent communication is effective. This mini-course will offer ways to implement strategies to make a positive impact at home and at school. For all grade levels.