Title: Promoting Prosocial Behavior Series
Dates: July 17-21, 2017
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Montclair State University, Room TBA
Instructor: Dr. Imad Zaheer
This week long intensive professional development series will provide comprehensive training on evidence-based classroom practices that promote prosocial behavior and increase student academic engagement. These strategies will be presented within a multi-tiered model framework that focuses on multiple level of services, starting off with universal strategies meant to prevent behavior problems (Tier 1), followed by targeted group strategies (Tier 2) and intensive individualized strategies for individual students (Tier 3). Participants will leave a full comprehensive plan on how to set up their classrooms for success, promote prosocial behaviors, and how to respond to challenges, including tips for implementation and assessment.
Please note this is a 5 day series and you must attend all 5 days. July 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21.
To Register, Click HERE