TITLE: Strategies for Coaching & Mentoring
DATES: November 11 & November 18, 2014
TIME: 3:45-6:45 PM
LOCATION: Montclair State University, University Hall- ADP Center, Room 1142
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Barry Bachenheimer
This mini-course is designed for new clinical faculty members, but is open to all who are interested. Topics include an overview of the MSU Teacher Education Program, the Portrait of a Teacher, exploration of the meaning of mentoring and coaching, an introduction to clinical supervision including feedback and conferencing, an examination of various dimensions of the cooperating teacher-junior faculty member relationship, co-teaching strategies, and sharing the wisdom of practice. This course will also explore new practices in teacher evaluation, based upon the TEACHNJ law. Participants will get hands on practice in conducting mini-observations and post-observation conferences.
This mini-course fulfills the MSUNER requirement for Strategies for Mentoring and Coaching.
To Register, Please Click HERE