Title: Talk like TED: How to Inspire, Be Inspired, and Deliver an Amazing Presentation
Date: March 31, 2016
Time: 3:45 PM-6:45 PM
Instructor: Dr. Barry Bachenheimer
Location: Montclair State University, Student Center- Room 419
TED began as a conference in 1984 where Technology, Entertainment, and Design converged and today covers all topics from science to education to global issues. It is devoted to spreading ideas in the form of short powerful talks of 18 minute or less. This session will have participants view and discuss some of the best TED talks related to education and innovation over the last five years. Then, participants will learn the nine "secrets" that TED presenters use to engage audiences and discuss ways this can be integrated into their teaching. We will also touch on ways to have students produce their own TED talks. Come prepared to be inspired!
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