Title: Understanding, Depersonalizing and Role Playing Problem Behavior in the Classroom
Date- Wednesday 10/30/13
Time-4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Location- Library, Passaic Valley High School, 100 East Main Street, Little Falls, NJ 07424 (Parking in Front or Back)
Instructor: Michael Paternoster, M.A. Counseling
To reduce our anxiety with problem student behavior, we will first explore the causes of behavior. We will discuss why certain behaviors bother us, the impact of the Internet on today’s youth, discuss student and parent/teacher transference. We will examine sensible consequences and how to deal with the monopolizer, the withdrawn student, and several behavior issues the class chooses. I will lead at least two Classroom Role Playing scenarios based on workshop member interests. During the Role Play, alternative approaches will be examined and how the Role Player’s feelings effect the situation. I will refer to Positive Discipline by Jane Nelson, Reality Therapy, Fritz Redl and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
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