Reaching and Teaching English Learners, Newcomer Students, and English Learners with Disabilities during the Pandemic
Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 3pm ET
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended schooling as we know it. As schools reopen, whether virtually, in-person, or as a hybrid approach, educators are facing new challenges. Among them are providing critical services, especially for English Learners and students with disabilities. Families that are not proficient in English also face language barriers that may impede their participation in their children’s education, regardless of the approach.
Join us to learn about how educators are pivoting to make sure that English Learners, including newly arrived immigrants and students with disabilities, receive a high-quality education and other social-emotional supports under current conditions. This webinar features conversations with expert practitioners and researchers, and presents strategies that can be applied in your school or district.