Addressing Racism and Achieving Equity in Schools
February 10th, 2022
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Dr. Imad Zaheer
Recent calls for racial justice for black lives have highlighted the disproportional effects of police brutality on communities of color. Less visible, but no less damaging, is the parallel dispensation of harsh discipline tactics toward black students in schools. Studies have documented the ways in which the implicit racial biases of teachers and administrators lead to unfair treatment of black students. As a result, schools with relatively larger minoritized and poor populations are more likely to implement criminalized disciplinary policies, including suspensions, expulsion, police referrals or arrests (Ramey, 2015). This workshop will briefly describe the state of disciplinary practices in schools and provide a series of key school-based strategies to address racism and equity. This includes (1) how to start and stay with difficult conversations using social-emotional strategies and (2) how to counter both implicit and explicit bias for adults that can help to make better, more equitable discipline decisions.