Title: Create a Virtual Classroom with Bitmoji
Date: June 11, 2020
Time: 4:00 PM- 5:30 PM
Instructor: Samantha Morra
Bitmoji virtual classrooms are all the rage right now. In the remote learning environment, they help you teach, share, and communicate with your students in a fun and personalized way. Bitmoji is an app that lets you create an avatar, a visual representation or cartoon of yourself. You do not have to use Bitmoji, but the variety of poses add a great deal of energy to your virtual classroom. We will create the interactive virtual classroom using Google Slides and add backgrounds and graphics that look like your classroom or anyplace in the world. This virtual classroom can be a resource or activity bank for your students to use. In this workshop session, we will walk through the process together to create your own classroom.