Title: Padlet, Flippity and Online Whiteboards - Great Tools for Remote Learning
Date: June 4, 2020
Time: 4:00 PM- 5:30 PM
Instructor: Samantha Morra
Padlet is essentially an online board or wall where users create, share, and collaborate. Teachers and students can add text, images, drawings, audio, video, and more. Padlet can be used on any device, with any grade, and for any content area. It is a great way to share student work and ideas.
Flippity uses Google Spreadsheet to create games and classroom resources. You supply lists or questions and Flippity can create games like memory games, jeopardy style quizzes, scavenger hunts, mad-libs, and more. You can also create random name pickers or create groups as well as make flashcards and review vocabulary. Everything you make has its own URL so you can share it with students in a variety of ways including Google Classroom.
Online whiteboards are great for remote learning. They are flexible virtual environments where students can share and learn. We will explore three free online whiteboard tools that allow you to collaborate and work with students in a variety of ways.